11 May 2009


'What did just happen?
Sky is red all of a sudden
Yet we are in somewhat burden
Waiting for sky to be

What was it ringing?
I thought I was dreaming
Then awaken by the strike of
We knew the troops are still fighting

What did you just say?
Let me make people stay

Keeping the danger away
Oh please don't you sway

What is it now I see?
Sun shines bright as it always be
Reflected by the surface of the sea
We find the start of our
new journey'

Written on December 28, 2009
Posted today :)


  1. coolio baby bala bala , km yg buat ceng? niceeee <3 hihihiahi.. ceng km link queen bee kan, it means : kamu hrs ntn aku ntr yaaaa hihihihhih asik asik asik.

  2. Iya aku yg buat bells hehe :) thankies. km main di Queen Bee? ahahahay I will bel, I will
