Free yourself from negative people.
Spend time with nice people who are smart, driven and likeminded. Relationships should help you, not hurt you. Surround yourself with people who reflect the person you want to be. Choose friends who you are proud to know, people you admire, who love and respect you -people who make your day a little brighter simply by being in it. Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. When you free yourself from negative people, you free yourself to be YOU -and being YOU is the only way to truly live.
Those aren't my words. A friend of mine posted it in one of the social media, which I'm sure it isn't her words either. Anyhow, I find those statements appealing and put me into some thoughts.
For me, surrounding yourself with the people most similar to you is how the universe connect to you and gives you what you want, consciously or not. I speak here upon the law of attraction, if you haven't heard of it let me put it simple : what you give is what you get. In order to receive positive feedbacks (getting what you want), you have to do positive actions or simply generating positive thoughts. Affirming that you are what you think you'll become. Convincing yourself that you are just this close to achieve your dreams and goals.
Where does all these positivity come from? If it's not coming from yourself, it comes from the people around you. Seeing the people that reflects what you would like to be shall give you the courage to throw away your can't(s) and impossible thoughts. Start affirming, and go for it. If you haven't notice, we are humans which can do the most extraordinary things. You just gotta push yourself harder than usual. You gotta be a little more masochist than other people.
You are infinite.
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